But as hundreds and even thousands of websites were published daily, competition for views grew. Performance metrics like traffic volume didn’t necessarily indicate the quality of the content users were arriving at. They were largely reflective of a copywriter’s ability to appeal to search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) became inextricably tied to content marketing, but content marketing grew well beyond just SEO. seo Earlyalgorithms were much simpler and ranked web pages for a search term or keyword based on the number of times that term appeared on the page.
Algorithms assumed that the more times a keyword was present, the better the content Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data was for people searching for the topic. It wasn’t long before search engine algorithms evolved. Early versions of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning began to track user behavior and how they interacted with webpages once they arrived. If users “bounced” or didn’t engage with the content, algorithms would start to rank the page lower than others on the same topic. And the algorithms continue to grow and evolve.

The Rise of Social Media Marketing Although MySpace wasn’t the first social media platform to exist, it’s arguably the one that people remember most. The basic social sharing forum of Six Degrees was actually the first online social platform, followed by a litany of others. 1997: Six Degrees 2003: MySpace and LinkedIn 2004: Facebook 2006: Twitter 2010: Pinterest and Instagram 2016: Tik Tok Justin Bieber MySpace profile Justin Bieber’s MySpace profile As consumers joined social media platforms in droves, companies began to investigate how to advertise to users in unique and memorable ways.