Therefore, before starting your mailing, you should decide on your goals, means and audience, and then act according to the algorithm. To send to Telegram groups: register in a specialized service; select the account on whose behalf the newsletter will be launched; determine a list of groups or chats for sending messages - this can be a ready-made thematic pool; launch automatic mailing in Telegram. The same algorithm is used to send messages to telegram channels. Don’t forget to compose your message correctly – write a text with a catchy title and call to action, format it, add visual elements and the necessary attachments, and attach a link.
To send messages in Telegram via a chatbot: select a constructor; create a chatbot from scratch or using a template; create a mailing script and register messages; configure the audience and sending time; set up sending conditions, if such functionality exists - for example, launch a Web Development Services newsletter based on an event. Chatbots are a multifunctional tool. With their help, you can not only launch a newsletter, but also to set up auto funnels up to the complete automation of communication with clients, as well as track message statistics. In addition, all the rules and requirements of the messenger are observed.

For mailing through a contractor: find a ready-made platform; determine the purpose of the mailing; collect a current client base or a list of suitable chats; create a native and engaging message - it should be useful, informative and easy to understand; track responses from interested users and continue communication with them. Services for mailing in Telegram Here are some popular services that will help organize mailing in the messenger: Tgmotion.top. Telegram promotion service, services include sending via PM and chats, writing text. There is a free audience parsing function.