But is it really possible to increase B B sales by applying the inbound strategy? What level of growth can you expect from inbound marketing and inbound sales? There is no valid answer for all companies, unfortunately or fortunately, the characteristic of inbound is that it is extremely customizable and therefore the results also vary depending on the situation. However, what follows are general expectations that can be broken down into forecasts, objectives and results plannd during strategy planning meetings.
Download the free eBook to find new prospects in the digital age Shorten the sales cycle The first improvement wedding photo editing service that companies that undertake an inbound path, both marketing and sales, notice is the rduction of the sales cycle. If, for example, days normally pass between the first contact with the prospect and the signing of the contract, you can legitimately think of reaching days. As? By completely rethinking the structure of sales processes, inserting content marketing materials and taking the prospect's point of view, aligning with each phase of their purchasing cycle.
Download the ebook Another lesson learnd from the inbound experience is that the longer the sales cycle, the more likely you are to be able to shorten it, so if your sales process lasts months, the impact will be much more significant, with a rduction of up to days. Increase conversions from leads to customers Improving the conversion rate is certainly the number one goal when a company aims to increase B B sales. Compard to any marketing activity, inbound offers the possibility of working with much more qualifid leads.