After the blocking of well-known social networks
本帖最後由 rakibhasan12317 於 2024-1-31 13:19 編輯My opinion about the advantages of Telegram is that it is not overloaded. VKontakte has long been overgrown with various services: from something similar to Avito to calling a taxi and Steps. It’s easier to interact with content in the messenger, and it came at the right time to replace blocked social networks, offering similar functionality. At the same time, it continues to develop, providing even more opportunities: bloggers, businesses, and ordinary users. And regarding VKontakte, this is a new functionality that is interesting to the audience. But it is not entirely appropriate to compare any platforms; Telegram has its pros and cons.
The growing popularity of the messenger is obvious, but the effectiveness for Asia Mobile Number Lista specific business will only be shown by testing hypotheses, so there is no talk of interchangeability or preference. Case: How to implement a chatbot in Telegram for 3 warm-up funnels. Cheating subscribers on Telegram The growing popularity of Telegram in Russia has caused an extraordinary demand for the service of getting subscribers. According to the Yandex Wordstat service, the number of requests for the phrase “increase subscribers in Telegram” has increased 6 times over the past two years. Impression statistics for the phrase "Increase subscribers in Telegram" Expert comment: No decent specialist will recommend this “promotion method” regardless of the platform.
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Inflated subscribers kill statistics and undermine your reputation. How do those who choose this path reason? I’m starting a channel, I have 0 subscribers, I need to get at least 500 bots, otherwise I won’t be interested in a live audience. But this is self-deception. When you later evaluate the work with the audience, for example, transitions to the site, you will see the real picture - bots do not buy anything and do not interact with the content. At the same time, it is quite easy to identify cheating using special services, for example, TGstat. Therefore, when assessing the effectiveness of your promotion strategy, focus on internal statistics.