Brand new themes offer freshness
That out of the way, WordPress themes made for WordPress 2.5 won’t work well with WordPress 4.0. This is precisely why developers keep churning out update after update – to seal security holes and improve on their themes.To begin with, the theme you ultimately settle down on should be compatible with the latest version of WordPress. If you will build a multi-language website, you need WPML compatibility. Will you use WooCommerce? Your theme of choice should be compatible with that too. Looking to start a community or network? Your theme should support the likes of BuddyPress and WordPress Multi-Site to mention a few.
All in all, you need a WordPress theme that’s compatible with as many Country Email List platforms as possible. Better have it and not need it than need it but…you know how it goes.
and new design ideas but might have plenty of bugs. On the other hand, popular themes that have been in the market long have fewer bugs but might be over-used. How then do you decide which theme to choose? It boils down to personal preference. After all, a brand new theme might be very popular same time next week.
Anyways, go for a popular theme if you’re sure it is not over-used in your niche or try a brand new theme and help the authors improve on it via feedback. One advantage popular themes have over brand new counterparts is you can tell if the former is great just by glancing at the number of sales and buyer rating. Before a brand new theme gets the sales or the rating, you can’t “guess” how great it is until you try it.